The Trustworthiness Research Alliance (TRA) | Contact Info Last updated September 2024
The Trustworthiness Research Alliance


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September 11, 2023

Dr. Shinsuke Tahara from Suwa University of Science, Japan, gave a talk at the University of Windsor (Department of Psychology) entitled How to Build Trust between Caregivers and the Elderly.

March 29, 2022

This webinar is the first in our Speaker Series, and takes a closer look at how the context of societal cultures impacts trust and trustworthiness. Four chapter authors from the book Trust and Trustworthiness: Implications for Societies and Workplaces will discuss the relationship between trust and trustworthiness in Brazil, South Africa, Taiwan, and the USA. The event takes place on March 29, 2022. Registration is free. Please sign up at 290799147077 For more Information and details click here.

May 2021

Catherine Kwantes and Juliana Barreiros Porto were notified by The Canadian Bureau for International Education (CBIE) that their application for the Faculty Mobility for Partnership Building Program (FMPBP) 2021-2022 was chosen to be funded by Global Affairs Canada (GAC).

April 2021

2021 SIOP Best International Poster award Kartolo, A., Kwantes, C. T., & Townsend, A. The Stereotype Content of Trustworthy Colleagues and Supervisors across 11 Nations. Presented at the 2021 SIOP Annual Conference.

February 2021

Trust and Trustworthiness across Cultures: Implications for Societies and Workplaces has just been published by Springer. This book investigates trust in seven different cultural contexts, exploring how societal culture can influence our expectations regarding what may be considered trustworthy within a cultural context. Although the definition of trustworthiness is clear, how it is operationalized and applied in various cultural contexts can vary greatly. While certain components of trustworthiness may be universal, what a given society expects from individuals, and the extent to which they fulfill those expectations, plays a role in whether or not those individuals may be trusted. Each chapter discusses literature related to trust and trustworthiness within a specific cultural context, addresses both etic and emic aspects of decisions to trust another, and provides practical implications, with a focus on how trustworthiness can be seen in organizational contexts. With contributions from international scholars and a diverse range of cross-cultural perspectives, this unique volume will be of interest to work psychologists, HR and management professionals, and researchers in organizational behavior.

April 2020

Juliana Barreiros Porto received funding from the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES/PrInt), Brazil, with the joint research program titled “Quality of democracy, probity and corruption: Studies from the perspective of multiple disciplines” at the University of Brasilia. Yuichiro Kanazawa received funding (Joint Research Program 024RP2019) from the Institute of Statistical Mathematics (ISM) within the Joint Support-Center for Data Science Research of Japan titled "Contextual understanding of trustworthiness in organizations: An international study."

January 2019

PAPER PRESENTATION, FIRST INTERNATIONAL NETWORK ON TRUST (FINT) Dr. Catherine Kwantes presented her paper entitled Contextualizing Trustworthiness at the First International Network on Trust (FINT), the 10th FINT Workshop on ‘Trust Within and Between Organizations.’ The paper was co-authored with Dr. Suzanne McMurphy (University of Windsor, Canada), Dr. Yuichiro Kanazawa (International Christian University, Japan), and Dr. Ben C. H. Kuo (University of Windsor, Canada). Summary: In response to recent calls to contextualize trust and trustworthiness research, this research to establish the bases fordetermining trustworthiness in the Canadian societal context, and for four specific role relationships. We examined how individuals described a trustworthy person, a trustworthy friend, a trustworthy family member, a trustworthy supervisor, and a trustworthy colleague. Responses were coded for the extent to which ability, benevolence, integrity or someother factor was provided in these descriptions. Participants were Canadian university students, and it was expected that Canadian values and behavioral norms would impact descriptions of trustworthiness in these roles. As hypothesized, integrity emerged as the most important basis fortrustworthiness. In role relationships with more intimacy and less formality (family, friend) benevolence was more important than ability, and in role relationships with more formality andless intimacy (supervisor, colleague), ability was more important than benevolence.

October / November 2018

TRUST SYMPOSIUM, NOVEMEBER 8, 9:30 – 4:30 – MACPHERSON LOUNGE, ALUMNI HALL University of Windsor faculty and students from five different research areas are holding a one-day symposium to consider and discuss different aspects of the nature of Trust. Summary: Dr. Hans V. Hansen (Philosophy) together with some graduate students from Argumentation Theory will review the role of trust in testimony. Dr Catherine Kwantes (Psychology) will discuss preliminary results of her cross-cultural research on the bases of judgments of trustworthiness. Dr. Suzanne McMurphy (Sociology) and Ms. Harmony Peach (Argumentation Studies) will examine the “dark side” of trust and draw attention to situations in which trust is problematic. Finally, Dr. Beth-Anne Schuelke-Leech (Engineering Management and Entrepreneurship) will consider engineers’ inherent trust in the superiority of technological solutions and its possible consequences. The Symposium is organized by the Centre for Research in Reasoning, Argumentation and Rhetoric (CRRAR) and will be held November 8 in MacPherson Lounge in Alumni Hall, from 9:30 to 4:30. Everyone is welcome. A programme for the Trust Symposium will be available on the CRRAR website by the end of October.

May 2018

Wendi Adair, Catherine Kwantes and team were awarded an Ontario Research Fund – Research Excellence grant for “Reconciliation in the Workplace: Creating Cultures of Trust via Effective Communication, Building Relationships, and a Climate for Cultural Safety for Indigenous Employees in Ontario and Canada” from 2018-2023. Summary: This innovative research aims to increase employment and career advancement for Indigenous youth in Southwest Ontario and nationally by developing applied organizational communication tools, organizational climate best practices, and Indigenous employment and mentor networks. This participatory action research is a collaborative effort among scholars and Aboriginal Education Centres from four recognized Southwest Ontario institutions. Ultimately, the research will create psychologically safe work spaces, respectful organizational communication tools, and sustainable Indigenous alumni networks.

April 2018

Catherine Kwantes, Wendi Adair, Jeffery Hewitt (University of Windsor Law School) and team were awarded a SSHRC Insight Grant to fund “Indigenous Workways: Cultural Safety, Cultures of Trust and Psychologically Safe Work Places” from 2018 –2021. Summary: This research focuses on trust and psychological safety in the workplace for Indigenous employees. It aims to develop a definition of psychological safety that incorporates cultural safety as a key component for Indigenous employees. This research represents a collaborative effort between the University of Windsor and University of Waterloo in Ontario, and Vancouver Island University in British Columbia. This research will result in innovations that focus on trust, respectful engagement, psychological safety, and Indigenization of the workplace.
Summary Dillon Hall University of Windsor