The Trustworthiness Research Alliance (TRA) | Contact Info Last updated September 2024
The Trustworthiness Research Alliance


Diversity and Trust


Armstrong, K., Ravenell, K., McMurphy S., & Putt, M. (2007). Racial/ethnic differences in physician distrust in the United States. American Journal of Public Health, 97(7), 1283- 1289. Armstrong, K., McMurphy, S., Dean, L., Micco, E., Putt, M., Halbert, C. H., Schwartz, J. S., Sankar, P., Pyeritz, R. E., Bernhardt, B., & Shea, J. (2008). Differences in the patterns of health care system distrust between blacks and whites. Journal of General Internal Medicine, 23(6), 827-833.


Kwantes, C. T., Kanazawa, Y., Watanabe, S., & Leupold, C. Trustworthy Employee: A Three Country Comparison. Accepted for presentation at “Psychology in the 21st Century: Open Minds, Societies & World, the 32nd International Congress of Psychology, Prague, Czech Republic, 2020. [Conference Postponed due to COVID-19 Pandemic]. Lutz, A., Reich, C. Kartolo, A., Mullins, M., & Kwantes, C.T. Gender, Sexual Orientation, Ethnicity, Age, and Parental Status: Trust in Leadership. Presented at the 33rd Annual Conference of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Chicago, IL, US, 2018. Reich, C., Lutz, A., Kartolo, A., Mullins, M., & Kwantes, C. T. Effects of Relational Demography on Perceptions of Leaders. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago, IL, US, 2018.